Thursday, 31 March 2011


Yum, i just had my first scones in this house. The oven baked them perfectly. I was a bit worried because we have a really old gas oven that's really hard to bake with. To it i had my favorite chai, punjabi chai from Leaf Tea. How good is Big Love, the best. Is anyone else hooked?
Can you see Lena's ear?

My little darling.

Beautiful Park to walk in.

Lena, the crazy swimming dog.

Ok, so it doesn't look like its very steep but it was a VERY steep hill.

And an ever steeper hill on top with stairs at the top, phu

Went for a really big walk, the weather is amazing today. Sunny but not too hot. I think these big walks and all the big hills is the reason to why i was able to get into a pair of chinos yesterday for the first time in months. Even tho these chinos fell off me before i got pregnant i was super stoked that i could wear them, i am so sick of tights and skirts!

The little ones are sleeping and i have to choose between doing the dishes or doing some sewing, hmmmm hard decision.


Today i am tired, had a bad sleep. Maja made a lot of noises during the night and I woke up and since it was really cold this night, 10 degrees, I got worried and had to get up and check on her and make sure she was ok, which of course she was. Then Lena woke me up at four and needed to go outside.
Here in Australia we wrap the babies when they go to sleep. I only do it for the night sleep and its amazing. At night, around 22.00 i feed her and then change her nappy, then I wrap her and put her to bed, turn of the light and leave the room and she falls asleep, most times. Sometimes i have to go back and i give her the dummy and then leave again. Then she sleeps all night through to about 7-8 in the morning.
One thing that i really don't like about living here is how cold it gets inside the houses during winter. They have no insulation whatsoever and we have only one gas-heater and that is in the living room. So you sort of always cold inside which i hate. I miss the Swedish way where you are inside and warm and cosy and then if you wanna go outside you put on a lot of clothes, here it sometimes feels like its colder inside then outside.

Maja under 4 layers of blankets. Diana, my mother in law have knitted a thick woolen blanket that hopefully will arrive today and that will keep her very warm i hope.

Last nights dinner was and easy one for me, since i was exhausted from my busy day i did cous  cous with roasted pumpkin and roasted tomato. It had a lot of other veggies in it too and some feta. It was very yummy. Its such an easy and quick thing to cook. It was probably missing some meat to it but i seriously couldn't be bothered. I am not a big fan of cooking. It always been Arron who have done the cooking and he is so good at it. I don't mind cooking every now and then but this everyday cooking i don't like at all but since he is working so much now and i am at home i have sort of had to start cooking a bit more and sometimes i like it but mostly i don't.

Well the sun is out now and Maja have been fed so i should go out for a walk and then i think its scones time. Didn't have them for breakfast, had my home made muesli, i was so hungry so i couldn't wait to eat.


Im so tired, being a stay at home mum is hard work. Today i vacuumed and mopped the floors, did 1 load of washing, two walks with the dog and pram, some gardening, fixed up Maja's room, went food shopping and now im cooking dinner. In between all that i also fed Maja, fed my self and had great long and deep conversations with Maja. I think tomorrow will be a lazier day. Maybe i will watch Big Love and eat some scones. I love scones but we haven't had it for a while here, it feels like a winter food to me but now winter is on its way so tomorrow will be scones day.

Also found out that i am getting paid parental leave, yay. They have just introduced it here and we get $968 every fortnight for 18 weeks. Its not much compared to sweden but its so good for being here and it will definitely help us out a lot.

Ok, time for me to go back to cooking and Maja just started to cry.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Maja's room!

First part of Maja's room is ready. I made these paper flowers after seeing a picture on a blog, don't remember which one but then i did some research and found this site where is explains how you do them.

The paintings my husband made, i love the colours. The dinosaur we bought in a kids shop, it was more that me and Arron liked it. Maja is way to little for it but it looks nice.

Im just about to finish my mobile to have over the change table. I think i need Arrons help to hang it up tho so i probably wont have pictures to show you until tomorrow.

I have an hour left of Maja sleeping so i will try to get some design done for this blog too. One thing that i find a bit hard, or not really hard but now when being a stay at home mum i have soooooo many projects that i want to do but it doesn't seem like i have enough hours. I have the most amazing daughter who sleeps all night through and she is also very good at sleeping during the day or just hanging out with me when she is awake but i still have so much i want to do and i want it to be done now!

I have started on my little knitting project also. Talked to some ladies about it today, will let you know more when i know more but i am quiet excited.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011


I was looking through our photos and found this with Linda and Max and Rebecka and Moa, my swedish friends here in Australia with their kids. So funny how we all named our kids with names starting on M.
Beautiful mums and beautiful babies, so lucky to have them as friends here and Rebecka have helped me so much with Maja giving me support and small little tips here and there on what to do and what not to do. Im lucky to have to friends who have gone through it all and that are happy to answer any questions i have.
Linda with Max and
Rebecka with Moa

Linda and her husband have bought a house just 10 min walking away from us so they are very close. Rebcka, Andy and Moa lives a little bit further away, about 15 min driving but its very easy to get there. Its lovely to have friends close buy.

Another amazing friend is Jacinda who lives just a few houses away from us. We have known each other for about nine years now and im so lucky to have her as a friend. She is such a driven person, have her own dance company. But she does so much more, always busy with new projects, very inspiring.
Beautiful Jacinda with Maja

Maja is sleeping so its time for me to get ready so that we can go on our walk, Lena is giving me the looks.


Baked my sourdough yesterday and it failed. But i am not giving up, Im starting a new starter today, have done a lot of research on internet and read up on it so hopefully this will work. Our goal is to not buy any bread and just eat what I bake but as it is now that will have to wait a bit until i get this figured out.
Before Rebecka had Moa she worked for a company Mount Zero Olives who do  mostly olives and olive oil but they do other products as well and the owner Rick are organizing so that i can buy a 10 kg bag of organic rye flower for whole sale price. So good, especially since its so hard to find rye flower in the shops here.

Mothers group yesterday was great. A lot of cute babies and beautiful mums. One mum lives just a few houses away from me and she has two dogs so i have a walking partner there which is great.

Talked to mum on skype yesterday, how lucky are we to have skype. Its the best thing and it makes it easier to be so far away from family and friends. She said that Maja had grown a lot but also that she looks older in her face and i had a look at her and saw it took, her face have grown up a bit. Since im with her 24/7 i sometimes miss these things, its like you have to stop and really study her a bit.
Hur söt ar inte jag?

Monday, 28 March 2011

I love my life!

I really do, i have the best life, the best husband, the best daughter, the best dog, the best family and the best friends. So lucky.

Sunday was a very quiet day here. Me and Arron both felt a bit sick so we just took it easy. In the evening we went for dinner at friends of Arrons place. They have twin boys that just over 15 months. They have just finished renovating their house and it is AMAZING! I forgot camera tho.

Sourdough starter

Yesterday i was going to finish my sourdough bread that i have been "brewing" but i realized i didnt have enough rye flour so i went to 4 shops to get some, noone had it. Searched on internet and found a place across the city who stocks it so we went for a little trip. Since we went across city we thought that we might as well go to IKEA. Last time i went to IKEA i found this amazing vase in the 'as is' corner for only $2. There is nothing wrong with it, it was an display item. The plants i found out on my walks and now i have this lovely arrangement at home for super cheap, yay.

 Plant arrangement in vase from IKEA
Today i drove Arron to work and then me, Maja and Lena went to the beach, it was so amazing. Forgot the camera, again. Note to self to take it with me all the time.

Oops, i have to run to my first mothers group meeting. Write more later.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Maja och Lena!

When i was pregnant everyone was so worried about how Lena would go with the baby. Even i got a bit worried. Lena is an amazing dog, so clever. We got her from a shelter when she was about 10 weeks. She is a bigger dog and she has so much energy and she is a bit crazy, personality plus!
Lena have been amazing with Maja, she really wants to lick her face and now she knows she is not allowed to, but she sneaks a lick in every now and then when she thinks we are not looking. Sometimes she sniffs Maja and she loves to sniff her nappies. But apart from that she couldn't care less. We still give her heaps of attention, go out for long walks and play so she is a very happy dog. I think that when Maja gets older that they are going to be best friends.

Best friend, YES!

The only thing that have been bad about it is all the hair Lena is losing right now. Maja have probably swallowed a whole dog of dog hair.

Friday, 25 March 2011


How amazing are these flowers! Every time i walk past them i get a wiff of their amazing smell. I love having flowers inside, its a bit of luxury but it really makes me happy to see them every day. These i bought at Camberwell market when i went there the other sunday with Jacinda. So nice to get out and do something without Maja and also great for Arron to spend some time with her.

High on sugar!

All dressed up for the party.
Thanks Bea for the dress.
Im super high on sugar. I think i have eaten enough for the rest of the year. Been to a 1 year birthday party. Lots of fun, lots of kids running around and LOTS of sugar. But since it was Moas birthday and her mum, Rebecka is Swedish too it was a lot of swedish cakes to i just had to try them all. Before i got pregnant i didn't really eat any sugar but then i got pregnant and i embraced the sugar. Now im trying to cut down on it again. But it is easier said then done. Especially when i have a sugar crazy husband. But since i am breast feeding and everything i eat Maja eat i want to get back to my healthy and yummy diet.
My two favorite people

Family, kärlek.

My little darling is sleeping now and my husband is off to his gig so its time for me to have some dinner and read a book i think and rest. To go to parties is very exhausting.

New toy

Also read a great comment on this blog. A lovely blog by what it seems a lovely girl in Sweden.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

New Beginning!

Went to work today and told them that i want to stay at home with Maja for a longer time. It felt a bit sad. I really liked that place and the people i worked with. They have just started out their web shop, have a look.
Its also a bit sad in a way to get to terms with that i am now a stay at home mum. But its also amazing that my husband Arron can support us so that i can be home with our amazing daughter. Its also a great opportunity to do some things for my self.
So beautiful my Maja!

My family minus Lena

All you need to be a housewife!

I came up with a great idea today. Had a talk to my mother in law about it and she like it so fingers crossed it will happen.