Tuesday 5 April 2011


Today have been a very quiet day, been tired and felt a bit sick so not much have been done.

These are the photos that i took trying to get the right one for the header. Lena was not happy at all about having Maja on her. i had to tell her with really angry voice to stay, all she wanted to do was to get away. Which she did one time and Maja fell down on the mattress.

What's this thing on me she thinks.

The look, Pleeeeeaaseee, take her away from me.


  1. två att uppfostra! Kram

  2. Haha, åh, det är så fint med barn och djur på samma bild. Jag tror nästan att barn kan kommunicera med djur på ett sätt som vi sen glömmer som vuxna. Nästan lite som i Narnia!
